DiadES is structured around several Work Packages (WPs), each WP led by a partner, with the contribution of other partners. To achieve their objectives, the WGs are organized around several Actions or Tasks, whose main result is a Deliverable. As the project progresses, these Deliverables will be available by clicking on the links.
Three of the Deliverables have been identified as the project main products: the INTERACTIVE WEB ATLAS, the SERIOUS GAME and the POLICY GUIDELINES, and will be delivered in the second half of the project.
In the WP Ecosystem services valuation, ecosystem services (ESs) provided by diadromous fishes will be identified, joint methodologies to assess these ESs will be agreed and the economic welfare estimated for these selected ESs.
The WP Development of new species distribution models will intend to develop new tools to predict the effect of climate change on diadromous fish distributions and therefore their related ecosystem services. These new models will include a basic population dynamics module with the colonization and mortality processes.
In the WP Biological and ecosystem services data collection and case studies, joint methodologies of data collection will be agreed among partners and both biological and socio-economic data will be acquired in the 9 case studies across the Atlantic Area (AA) that will feed the previously mentioned WPs Ecosystem services valuation and Development of new species distribution models WPs. New ecological data will mostly focus on species distribution at sea, metapopulation dynamics and dispersal.
As a result, the WP Awareness raising tools for diadromous fish management will develop and showcase the INTERACTIVE WEB ATLAS, which will link the diadromous fish presence and economic welfare and will pinpoint risk when resources and services might no longer be present due to climate change. The SERIOUS GAME will help stakeholders to envision alternative management scenarios in a globally changing environment. POLICY GUIDELINES will be drafted as part of a Declaration to be signed by regional, national, and European authorities as a commitment for the long-term and large scale management of diadromous fishes and their ESs.
Led by AZTI
Objective: To assess the economic value of the ecosystem services provided by diadromous fishes under present and future environmental conditions
Action: Identification of ecosystem services
Deliverable: Full list of ecosystem services provided by diadromous fishes (PDF. 2MB)
Action: Definition of joint methodologies to assess ESs
Deliverable: List and description of methodologies to use in ESs data collection and economic assessment (PDF. 2MB)
Action: Estimation of the economic welfare
Deliverable: Economic assessment for case studies and transposition
Led by INRAE
Objective: To predict the effect of climate change on the distribution of diadromous fishes and their related ecosystem services
Action: Validation of biological data and environmental scenarios
Deliverable: Validated database on diadromous fish presences/absences with associated environmental conditions (PDF. 1,1MB)
Action: Species distribution models and forecasts under climate change
Deliverable: Scientific publication on present and future diadromous fish distributions (PDF. 5MB)
Action: Determination of trajectories of ecosystem services
Deliverable: Technical report on trajectories of ecosystem services provided by diadromous fishes
Led by Inland Fisheries Ireland
Objective: To define methodologies and collect biological and socio-economic data in an harmonized way in all case studies
Action: Definition of joint methodologies for biological data collection
Deliverable: Manual on biological data collection (PDF. 2 MB)
Action: Collection of biological data in field case studies
Deliverable: Diadromous fish database in the AA case studies and scientific publications
Additional Deliverable: Tagging report (916 KB)
Additional Deliverable: DiadatSea rport (2MB)
Action: Case study description and ecosystem services data collection
Deliverable: Case study descriptions and a joint database (PDF. 2 MB)
Led by Instituto Superior Técnico
Objective: To develop tools for policy makers and stakeholders that will contribute to a better management of diadromous fishes
Action: Conceptualisation and design of an INTERACTIVE WEB ATLAS
Deliverable: A user-friendly INTERACTIVE WEB ATLAS
Action: A SERIOUS GAME conceptualisation and implementation
Deliverable: An operational SERIOUS GAME (PDF. 4MB)
Deliverable: Stakeholders perception of a SERIOUS GAME (PDF. 930KB)
Action: Emergence of innovative POLICY GUIDELINES
Deliverable: POLICY GUIDELINES Declaration in English (PDF. 512 KB)
Deliverable: Diades Parliament article (PDF. 319 KB)
This online tool is addressed to policy makers and other stakeholders to:
– Present and help visualize changes in diadromous fish distributions and trends in relevant ecosystem services under climate change.
– Provide information about the links between diadromous fishes and economic welfare in the Atlantic Area and help pinpoint risks when resources and services no longer match due to climate change.