Meeting on biological data collection
Cefas organised a two-day meeting at University of East Anglia (UEA), UK, (19-20 November 2019) with the help of work-package leader, IFI. The meeting focused on the identification of common methods for biological data acquisition and it was attended by 22 researchers from France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the UK.
The presented objectives included joint studies using:
- Microchemistry under the supervision of Irstea but with contributions of most partners,
- Environmental DNA (eDNA) at Cefas, IFI, EHEC/USC), Irstea and AZTI,
- Telemetry at MARE-UÉ, IFI, Irstea, MNHN and Cefas, and
- Population modelling and database creation at Irstea to integrate and secure the collected data.
Agreements were reached on the coordination of efforts by partners contributing to these objectives, including shad meta-population dynamics and their hybridisation across the Atlantic Area, and potential for future works on other data-limited diadromous species such as mullet and flounder that express highly variable life-history strategies.
Also, progress updates and data collection requirements from other work packages were presented by researchers working on the Evaluation of ecosystem services and on Species distribution modelling to emphasize how work packages are tightly linked in the DiadES work plan and how the one on biological data collection is central.